Bananas have many benefits including treating stomach ulcers, bananas are also rich in potassium and vitamin A which is good for the eyes. Besides being good for health and skin, bananas can also be processed into various kinds of delicious food. Most bananas are processed to make a snack or dessert (sweet).

Banana Cheese Bread is one of the processed bananas and can also be eaten for your breakfast. Banana Bread Sweet, soft and savory cheese from the cheese will make you more able to start your day and activities. Here is a delicious and nutritious Banana Cheese Bread recipe.


  • Old banana ½ comb, not soft
  • Wheat flour is 750 grams
  • 50 grams of milk powder
  • 100 grams of sugar
  • Instant yeast 1 pack (11 gr)
  • Fine salt ½ tsp
  • 2 eggs
  • 250 cc warm water
  • 50 grams of butter
  • 100 gram grated cheese
  • Liquid milk 50 cc
  • Egg yolk 1, shaken
  1. Mix flour, milk powder, sugar, instant yeast, and salt, mix well. Add the eggs, stir, pour with warm water little by little while kneading until the water runs out
  2. Add butter, knead again until the mixture can be shaped and not sticky in the hand. Round the mixture, leave for 45 minutes until the mixture expands
  3. Squeeze the mixture and divide it into a mixture that weighs 100 grams. Each adoan is formed round again and leave for 25 minutes
  4. Each dough is flattened, then filled with a piece of banana and sprinkled with grated cheese, lid and elliptical shape, or according to taste. Make sure the contents of the bread are in the middle. Place the dough that has been formed on a baking sheet that has been smeared with butter, leave it again for 30 minutes. Meanwhile, shake the egg yolk, then mix with liquid milk, mix well, set aside
  5. Rub the surface of the mixture with egg yolk mixture, then bake it in an oven that has been heated until cooked or for 25 minutes. Serve bread while warm or hot

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