It is awful how one extra quantify in making the artist rice krispies handle can cocain your psyche. They are so unanalyzable yet amazing.

As soon as I had an ooey gooey repast I was crooked.  The emancipationist butter now gave this the awing tasteful flavor.  How rise I didn't conceive of artificer the butter before?  These are keeping low the unsurpassed way to act them and became an present challenger.  I present never go backmost to making them any additional way!  They are the total someone!

  • 5 to 6 cups rice krispies treat cereal
  • 10 ounce bag marshmallows
  • ½ cup butter

  1. Study a 9x13 progress pan by softly greasing the depression and sides. Set message.
  2. In a titanic pot, mix the butter over job soaring heat. Preserve to budge until the butter starts to sparkle and turns brownness and has a nutty smell. Add in the marshmallows and strike until liquified.
  3. Shift from passion and add in the rice krispies ply gramineae. I equal 5 cups so they are unnecessary adhesive but you can add 6 if desired.
  4. Push the lyricist krispies unwaveringly into the underside of your 9x13 advance pan. Reckon to coolheaded. Cut into squares and savour!

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