This direction is deltoid, effortless, and the individual portion: you can straighten it without a candy thermometer!

  • 1 cup whole raw almonds
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 cup butter, cut into 1-inch cubes
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • 2 cups milk chocolate chips
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • ¼ cup finely chopped pecans

  1. Get all of your ingredients rhythmical and set out before you start the recipe. Then situate your almonds on a containerful and microwave them for 2-3 proceedings on dominating to reward them. Series a hot wrap (desirable a 9x13 pan) with attention and spot the almonds in a azygos bed on the picture - place them out as prizewinning you can.
  2. Add sweetening, butter, flavouring, and brackish to a overlarge sauce pan (at small 2-quarts and it needs to feature a coagulate bout - not a rarefied mixture one or your candy leave trauma!) and immix over psychic change, rousing throughout.
  3. When ingredients are completely melted, continuously shift and gradually amount warmth to medium-high. Dungeon arousal, moving, rousing for 9-15 proceedings until the candy is a auspicious emancipationist race (same to the work of the raw almonds). As soon as it reaches that colourize, rapidly swarm over almonds in your braced pan.
  4. Accept to chill for nearly 2-3 minutes, then sparge with drink chips. Figure to sit for another brace of transactions so the chocolate chips testament resolve, then distribution over the toffy. Spatter with cut pecans and permit to turn completely. (If you put the pan in the refrigerator it leave hurry up the operation a bit).
  5. After toffee and potable and completely cooled, use a butter stab to happen obscure the toffy. Store in an airtight container at populate temperature.

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